Wednesday, July 30, 2014

4 weeks post and 5 weeks post

I am so sorry I did not post for 1 month but there was some purging still but otherwise has gone down. Things are looking up as of now.

Friday, July 18, 2014

3 Weeks

I reached three weeks on Solodyn and Ziana this Tuesday. I still have some purging going on but it is much less than before. My post hyperpigmentation marks are fading to a feckle like color but very light. It is hard to explain. I feel way better about all of this though than I was feeling about it last week.

Will post pictures soon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2 Weeks

It has been two weeks on Solodyn and Ziana, and I am purging still. Not very bad, just little bumps on my right cheek and a little on my forehead and they come to a head very quickly. When this subsides I will post again. I am trying very hard not to pick at my skin. I have read on other review sites for these medications how their purging lasted about 1.5 months so hopefully that is the case for me or hopefully less than that. I feel like things are looking up, but overall my skin has gotten much better starting on these medications, my previous ones are gone and now I am just getting all the junk out of my skin.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

1st Week on Solodyn and Ziana

Today is my first week that I have completed my acne medicine. I think overall things are looking better. I have small bumps coming up, which are actually going away in the coarse of three-four days maybe five max. I think my skin looks brighter, which I contibute to Ziana. I had a pimple in the right side of my face down my my chin area but other than that I think things are going to start to get better. Yes, I feel like there will be a little more purging that might go on but I think that I will start to see a dramatic improvement come the fourth week. I am going to start updating every week and saying what went on that week in regards to my skin improving or not improving. I hope this helps someone in someway.

I am going to post pictures next week so if an improvement is there, you can see it.