Wednesday, July 30, 2014

4 weeks post and 5 weeks post

I am so sorry I did not post for 1 month but there was some purging still but otherwise has gone down. Things are looking up as of now.

Friday, July 18, 2014

3 Weeks

I reached three weeks on Solodyn and Ziana this Tuesday. I still have some purging going on but it is much less than before. My post hyperpigmentation marks are fading to a feckle like color but very light. It is hard to explain. I feel way better about all of this though than I was feeling about it last week.

Will post pictures soon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2 Weeks

It has been two weeks on Solodyn and Ziana, and I am purging still. Not very bad, just little bumps on my right cheek and a little on my forehead and they come to a head very quickly. When this subsides I will post again. I am trying very hard not to pick at my skin. I have read on other review sites for these medications how their purging lasted about 1.5 months so hopefully that is the case for me or hopefully less than that. I feel like things are looking up, but overall my skin has gotten much better starting on these medications, my previous ones are gone and now I am just getting all the junk out of my skin.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

1st Week on Solodyn and Ziana

Today is my first week that I have completed my acne medicine. I think overall things are looking better. I have small bumps coming up, which are actually going away in the coarse of three-four days maybe five max. I think my skin looks brighter, which I contibute to Ziana. I had a pimple in the right side of my face down my my chin area but other than that I think things are going to start to get better. Yes, I feel like there will be a little more purging that might go on but I think that I will start to see a dramatic improvement come the fourth week. I am going to start updating every week and saying what went on that week in regards to my skin improving or not improving. I hope this helps someone in someway.

I am going to post pictures next week so if an improvement is there, you can see it.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 5

I had a really emotional bad day yesterday. I cried, cried, and then cried some more. My forehead had all these little bumps on it and I scrubbed and popped…Which I know is bad but I was at a point that I just didn't care. Now, my forehead looks red and spotty…hopeful it will heal in the next couple of days. I just had a bad breakdown yesterday but overall my bottom half of my face is looking good. My cyst that I had on my chin is almost gone and I have a red spot on my nose, a small whitehead on my lower cheek which popped basically on its own accord, but it looks good. I'm trying not to wash my face too much because it's irritating my skin, so hopefully I can cut it down to 3 times instead of 4.

I'm only sharing this much because to me when I read other people's feeling and their treatments, for one it makes me feel not alone in my skin care drama in a world where perfect skin is basically everywhere… on television, magazines, all over fb "no makeup selfies" which makes me and probably thousands of others to put it bluntly feel like absoutely shit. I am not okay with looking the way I do in regards to my skin…I am not the one to accept the old saying "it is what it is" even though I hate looking at these no makeup pictures that people post…the sad truth is that I want to have that so bad and I hate that I can't accept anything less.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Starting line

Today I am starting this blog, not only to reflect on each day on my journey to clear skin, but for anyone else to read it to know the different products I am using and my thoughts and results with each of them.

I went to the dermatologist on Wednesday, and was prescribed:

Face wash- Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Antibacterial Bar for dry sensitive skin (Not prescription)

1 Morning Pill- 65 mg of Solodyn

Morning Lotion- Cleocin/Desowen

Night- Ziana

Body- Panoxyl (Not Perscription)

The morning lotion is for antibacterial purposes for my skin, and Ziana at night to fight against comedones

Today is Day 3 for me since I started this treatment and I really can not for myself tell a difference. People have told me that they see a change already though but who knows.

I am also taking a Makeup Hiatus and I started that on Tuesday of this week and will continue it until next Tuesday and further on. I want to rid my skin of irritating factors and let the medicine take full effect.

I mainly started this blog so other people who are going through skin issues such as myself, could read and see a true account of if a product works or not.
